If you are pondering over starting an online business, this article is for you. The internet has become part of our life; whether you like it or not, it is in our world now. So why not leverage on it to start an online business for yourself.
There are number of reasons why you should start an online business. Here we will be discussing four of them.
Cheaper than brick and mortar business
Online business is one of the cheapest forms of business. You will need a domain name and web hosting; that will probably cost you $70 - $100 a year depending on the package you get. Comparing to a brick and mortar business, which you have to factor the rental cost, staff cost, administration etc. An online business set up cost is just a fraction of the brick and mortar business.
You can have free marketing if you can spend some time writing articles, participate in forums, submitting in directories or create a free blog site to promote your business.
High Free Visibility
Can you imagine doing business with the whole wide world? The internet is connected to the whole world, having a website presence allow people from all over the world to know about the products or services that you offer. Distance is no longer an issue in doing business. You may be in United States but you can be doing business in China.
Once your website is up, you can be doing business with millions of people. An easy way to test out your product is to sell on eBay. Leverage on the ready buyers in eBay, you should be able to find out whether your product is acceptable.
Operate anywhere
An online business is not limited to work at any particular place. As long as there is a laptop or PC with internet connection, you can build your online business. You can be at a coffee house with your laptop, tap into the wireless connection, and you are ready to build.
You can say goodbye to the cubicle in your office. There is much more flexibility in the place you work. You can even be traveling around the world, yet still working on your business.
Many possibilities
Owning an online business opens many avenues to earn your money. Unlike brick and mortar business, the way to earn is to sell your products.
An online business has many possibilities to earn. You can attract advertisers, sell them advertising space. Similar to this, you subscribe to Google AdSense, allowing Google to place their advertisement on your site, while earning fee from Google. Both these methods give you passive income.
Be an affiliate to other merchants selling their products. Instead of worrying about inventories in a brick and mortar business, you let your merchants worry about them. You just earn a commission by selling their products.
You can start a blog, write for advertisers and get paid. There are many webmasters or companies searching for ghost writers. You can earn money out of them as well.
There are many other reasons why you should start an online business. I hope that these four reasons are enough to convince you to give online business a go.